Thursday, February 16, 2012

Book Cover Research

This photo is of a different version of the story of Snow White from ABC's show, Once Upon a Time. It pictures Snow White and Prince Charming as portrayed in the ABC version. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


The Exorcist looks horrific and creepy


This little girl looks terrified and the muted colors really add to the photo.


One of my worst fears is of needles. I've had a few bad experiences with them and just don't like the thought of them in my skin.


Drowning is a scary thought to me. I've grown up going boating and living on the water all my life and I haven't had a bed experience, but the idea is still scary.


 This tied up, damsel in distress reminds me of a lot of CSI and Criminal Minds shows I watch a lot. Being tied up like this and not being able to get out would be a terrifying thing. 


Loneliness is not fun for me. I like to be around people or even with my dog. Being totally alone kind of freaks me out. 


The movie Buried Alive opened my eyes to a whole new fear I never thought too much about before.
